Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

I cannot believe how fast 2011 has gone ... so fast, in fact, that it seems like I've only just gotten used to writing "2011" in the date line of my cheque book. Life is speeding by. Just a little over four years ago I was married and now my husband and I have three sweet little ones in our care. God's graces are by no means small in my life, and I have many amazing gifts to be unceasingly grateful for. As for New Year's resolutions, I've never really been big on making them. However, my husband and I plan on trying our best to keep each other accountable in our Bible reading plan this year. We began tonight, and my husband said, "Do you know how many times we've tried to read the Bible through in a year? It seems like we've only ever make it through Genesis and Matthew before we get behind and give up." Nice. I think that maybe a change in priorities is in order for 2012? It seems like such a simple thing - 2 chapters a day. God, please provide us with grace enough to love Your word in 2012!

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